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Zdjęcia fotogrametryczne Polskiej Wyprawy na Grenlandię w 1937r.

Single photograph -150-The Moscicki Mts. from the Polonia Gl. inside Single photograph -122-[look in A. Zawadzki report in W.S.G.1937 number .3-4, page 512] Single photograph -119-The dead front - detail Single photograph -114-The Mount Leopolis over the Polonia Glacier Single photograph -112- S view of the Polonia Gl. cliff with the Leopolis the background 431-The NORDENSKIOLD Gl. -general view- 29-BR 429-The NORDENSKIOLD Gl. -general view- 29-B 430-The NORDENSKIOLD Gl. -general view- 29-BL 428-The NORDENSKIOLD Gl. -general view- 29-AR 426-The NORDENSKIOLD Gl. -general view- 29-A 427-The NORDENSKIOLD Gl. -general view- 29-AL 425-The ARFERSIORFIK and the SMIGLY RYDZ Mts.-28-BR 424-The ARFERSIORFIK and the SMIGLY RYDZ Mts.-28-BL 423-The ARFERSIORFIK and the SMIGLY RYDZ Mts.-28-B 422-The ARFERSIORFIK and the SMIGLY RYDZ Mts.-28-AR 420-The ARFERSIORFIK and the SMIGLY RYDZ Mts.-28-A 421-The ARFERSIORFIK and the SMIGLY RYDZ Mts.-28-AL 388-The POLONIA GLACIER-cliff-S view-(low tide)-21-B 387-The POLONIA GLACIER-cliff-S view-(low tide)-21-AR 385-The POLONIA GLACIER-cliff-S view-(low tide)-21-A 386-The POLONIA GLACIER-cliff-S view-(low tide)-21-AL 368-The DYBOWSKI LAKE - the W.I.G. Mts.-17-BR 367-The DYBOWSKI LAKE - the W.I.G. Mts.-17-B 365-The DYBOWSKI LAKE - the W.I.G. Mts.-17-AR 366-The DYBOWSKI LAKE - the W.I.G. Mts.-17-BL 364-The DYBOWSKI LAKE - the W.I.G. Mts.-17-A 362-The VAWEL Mts. and the MOSCICKI Mts.(from the Romer Mts.)-16 BR 363-The DYBOWSKI LAKE - the W.I.G. Mts.-17-AL 361-The VAWEL Mts. and the MOSCICKI Mts.(from the Romer Mts.)-16 B 360-The VAWEL Mts. and the MOSCICKI Mts.(from the Romer Mts.)-16 BL 358-The VAWEL Mts. and the MOSCICKI Mts.(from the Romer Mts.)-16 AR 359-The VAWEL Mts. and the MOSCICKI Mts.(from the Romer Mts.)-16 AL 357-The VAWEL Mts. and the MOSCICKI Mts.(from the Romer Mts.)-16 A 293-The POLONIA GLACIER-S part of the dead front-(cycle 1)-23-AR 292-The POLONIA GLACIER-S part of the dead front-(cycle 1)-23-AL 291-The POLONIA GLACIER-S part of the dead front-(cycle 1)-23-A 290-The POLONIA GLACIER-S part of the dead front-(cycle 1)-23-BL 222-The MOSCICKI Mts. and the POLONIA GLACIER-(from the Danegorg Nunatak)-11-A 223-The MOSCICKI Mts. and the POLONIA GLACIER-(from the Danegorg Nunatak)-11-AL 221-The MOSCICKI Mts. and the POLONIA GLACIER-(from the Danegorg Nunatak)-11-AR 220-The MOSCICKI Mts. and the POLONIA GLACIER-(from the Danegorg Nunatak)-11-B 219-The MOSCICKI Mts. and the POLONIA GLACIER-(from the Danegorg Nunatak)-11-BL 218-The MOSCICKI Mts. and the POLONIA GLACIER-(from the Danegorg Nunatak)-11-BR 118-The POLONIA GLACIER -crevasses - panorama -63-AL 079-The POLONIA Gl.- panorama - (from the DANEBORG NUNATAK) - 11-A 078-The POLONIA Gl.- panorama - (from the DANEBORG NUNATAK) - 11-AR 077-The POLONIA Gl.- panorama - (from the DANEBORG NUNATAK) - 11-AL 059-The DEAD FRONT of the ... Gl. - panorama - 65-AL 060-The DEAD FRONT of the ... Gl. - panorama - 65-BR 058-The DEAD FRONT of the ... Gl. - panorama - 65-AR 057-The DEAD FRONT of the ... Gl. - panorama - 65-A 054-The LEOPOLIS Mt. - panorama - 65-AR 055-The LEOPOLIS Mt. - panorama - 65-A 052-The LEOPOLIS Mt. - panorama - 65-AL 051-The POLONIA Gl. and S-E slope of the LEOPOLIS Mt. - panorama- 65-AR 049-The POLONIA Gl. and S-E slope of the LEOPOLIS Mt. - panorama- 65-AL 050-The POLONIA Gl. and S-E slope of the LEOPOLIS Mt. - panorama- 65-A 024-The POLONIA Gl.- panorama - 65-A 023-The POLONIA Gl.- panorama - 65-AR 022-The POLONIA Gl.- panorama - 65-AL

022-The POLONIA Gl.- panorama - 65-AL

Spitsbergen lata 70., fot Ryszard Czajkowski

Spitsbergen 1971Spitsbergen 1971Spitsbergen 1971Spitsbergen lata 70.

Spitsbergen 1978Spitsbergen 1971Spitsbergen 1971Spitsbergen 1971

Spitsbergen 1978

Spitsbergen 70.

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