Warsztaty „Taking the next step in Svalbard snow research – Phase II”

Centrum Studiów Polarnych, współorganizator workshopu Taking the next step in Svalbard snow research – Phase II, serdecznie zaprasza do udziału w workshopie oraz do rozpowszechniania poniższego zaproszenia.


Dear colleagues,

Here follows an invitation to our Svalbard snow workshop

Title: Taking the next step in Svalbard snow research – Phase II
Date: 9-11 November 2016
Place: Dept. Earth Science, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
First flyer: The first workshop flyer can be found here 
Deadline: 15 September is the abstract deadline (download template here)

The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers working (or planning to work) directly or indirectly with snow on Svalbard, whether on the physical, chemical, biological or other point of view. This to improve the knowledge transferee and synchronization between different research disciplines involving snow science. The workshop will be used to discuss the outcome of the “Community Coordinated Svalbard Snow Sampling (C2S3)”-pilot project. Young and early career scientist are strongly encourage to participate.

Looking forward to see you in Gothenburg
/ the committee:

Mats P. Björkman (mats.bjorkman@gu.se), Carmen P. Vega (carmen.vega@geo.uu.se), JC Gallet (JeanCharles.Gallet@npolar.no), Catherine Larose (Catherine.Larose@eclyon.fr), Bartłomiej Luks (luks@igf.edu.pl)